
Friday, April 1, 2016

Spoiled Again

So... this year has started off with one sweet surprise in the mail again after another.

On March 15th, I visited Annette's World and left a comment on the lovely treasures she was giving away.  

A few days later I learned that I won this gorgeous pincushion.

It is even prettier in person. Annette's work is stunning and she is such a sweetheart.

To say I am feeling spoiled this year is quite the understatement.

Thank you, Annette!

Thank you so much for stopping by!


  1. That's a very pretty pin cushion, lucky you. Thanks for commenting on my gingerbread man -- I know what you mean about the movies -- I watch with my granddaughter, and can quote the Lion King LOL. 😉😉

  2. What a beautiful pincushion! I am sure you deserve to be spoilt! Have a lovely weekend! Christine x

  3. Oooh, that's a lovely! Just your kind of thing, too. Congratulations!

  4. OH my, how wonderful it is, and what a creative way to wrap the gift.

  5. Oh that's just gorgeous! Congrats on receiving it.


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