
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

TAST 2016 Stitch 28

TAST Stitch 28: Vandyke Stitch

This week through TAST, we are learning the Vandyke stitch.

After seeing this gorgeous example of the stitch at Queenie's Needlework, I knew I wanted to work the stitch on a curve.

My sample was worked with size 8 red Anchor pearl cotton. I think I figured out the spacing on the curves, but should have made the stitches along the center longer on the left-side of the L.

I almost only shared this angled photo so you couldn't see my oops as well. But, this was a learning experience for me and I think it will be part of a fun motif when I add the other details.

Now, I must confess... Seeing this L, my hubby started laughing and asked me if I was changing my name to Laverne. (Did I just date myself with the Laverne and Shirley reference?!) 

TAST stands for Take a Stitch Tuesday. It is a personal stitching challenge offered by Sharon B. on Facebook and on her blog, You may read more about it hereIf you follow the TAST Facebook group, you know there are some incredibly inspiring examples of these stitches being shared. Anyone may join at any time during the challenge. Thank you, Sharon, for offering TAST!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Hi Renee! Your Vandyke stitch looks great! I have to go and stitch my sample now! Have a lovely evening! Christine x

  2. I love what you did with this stitch. I had never heard of it before but now it will be one I use a lot.

  3. Great minds! I immediately was reminded of L&S (and poodle skirts). What fun!!!

  4. What a lovely stitch, I've never seen this before but then again, there are a lot of stitches that I have never seen LOL. Very effective in a letter.

  5. Oh that's really pretty. I know what you are referring to even though I never watched the show.

  6. Oh, I love your L! I think it looks great. This is one I haven't explored. Maybe I will this month, though.


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