
Sunday, February 21, 2016

CQJP 2016 January Block Motifs 10, 11 & 12

The 10th motif on my Crazy Quilt Journal Project (CQJP) 2016 January block filled a small triangular space. 

First, I created a flower with size 8 DMC #815 pearl cotton and six detached chain stitches. You may notice that rather than tacking the stitch close to the loop, I spaced the stitch out a tad to add a more pointed tip to each flower petal.

A colonial knot with size 12 DMC B5200 pearl cotton created the center of the flower.

Next, I added two feather stitches working from corners of the triangle back to the flower. These were worked in size 12 DMC #699 pearl cotton floss and detached chain stitched leaves were then added to most of the tips. I also added a straight stitch to the center of each leaf to fill it with green.

French knots were then added (using the same red pearl cotton used to create the center flower) to the random tips of the feather stitches that I skipped while adding the leaves.

The 11th motif is the only element of my CQJP 2016 January block that my husband really dislikes. (He held his hand over this section while looking at the completed block. I had to laugh. One thing I truly appreciate is his honesty when it comes to my embroidery adventures. I always know his compliments are genuine!) As you can clearly see, my teeny tiny bird is WAY to small for this branch and nest. I decided this little red bird must be checking out another (larger) bird's nest.

The tree branch was added with size 8 Anchor #00360 pearl cotton and several lengths of chain stitches that began just off of the edge of the block (to be caught in the seam when the quilt is sewn together.) I stitched the bottom of the branch, then the top of the branch, and then filled in the section in between.

After stitching the branch, I traced several of the leaf shapes from Sharon B.'s Crazy Quilting Templates Set 2 onto the block, leaving part of the upper branch empty for the nest and the bird. Using size 5 DMC #4045 variegated green pearl cotton and fly stitches, I filled in each leaf.

For the nest, I really wanted to try out the Nest Tutorial that Cathy K. shared in the Spring 2016 edition of the Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine. Unfortunately, I did not have any fibers that would have worked well. So, I used straight stitches at various angles using size 12 DMC Ecru pearl cotton, size 8 Anchor #0300 pearl cotton and two strands of DMC #422 cotton floss.

To make the bird, I used 2 strands of DMC #321 cotton floss to make a detached chain stitch. I made a second detached chain stitch around this first one. (One of my embroidery books refers to this as a double detached chain stitch.) 

A colonial knot added to the upper end created the bird's head and three straight stitches at the lower end created the tail.

A single strand of DMC #435 cotton floss and two angled straight stitches created a beak. Using the same floss, I added two straight stitches from the bird's body to the tree branch. Three tiny straight stitches extended from the bottom of those and over the branch to create tiny bird feet.

The 12th (and final) motif was created with one of the polymer clay buttons I created earlier this month. 

Using a strand of size 8 Anchor #00047 floss and a stem stitch, I created a string with a bow.

The button was then attached with size 12 DMC #B5200 pearl cotton.

Every time I look at this motif, I think of the expression, "pulling on my heart strings." Silly, I know. *grins*

Tomorrow, I will share a full picture of my CQJP 2016 January block.. Thank you so much for following this journey with me!


Please note: I am not affiliated with the Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine. I do love that the magazine is dedicated to this craft that I love so much and if you crazy quilt, I do hope you will consider contributing photos of your work. You may learn more about that here.  I am not affiliated with Sharon B.'s crazy quilting templates either. However, I did receive a set and agreed to share my honest opinions about using them. So far, I love them! 


  1. Oh, Renee - this quilt is going to be smashing! Love the bird....and another button!

  2. I can hardly wait to see it all together tomorrow! I love your additions, and your explanations. How nice that your husband takes enough of an interest to actually look and give you an opinion. Paul did, too, but I know a lot of husbands who won't. Your flower corner looks like a poinsettia to me. =)

  3. LOL Tell hubby stop being mean haha. The bird is cute. A little small...but still cute. Everything else looks perfect. Love the leaves on the branch!

  4. I love all the individual elements you've shown us, so I know already that the block is going to beautiful. I especially love the little bird.


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