
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

CQJP 2016 January Block Seam 2

I am still having fun playing with Sharon B.'s Crazy Quilting Templates Set 2

I cannot take credit for anything with this seam other than the color/thread choices, as it is a seam idea Sharon B. created. 

I still need some practice following my trace lines, but I love the way this seam turned out. 

It is unlike any seam treatment I have embroidered in the past. And my brutally honest hubby told me several times how cool it looked.

You may click on any photo for a larger image. 

When tracing this seam, I had to take the adjoining seams into consideration. I opted to begin with a closed oval near the red flower near the first seam on the block, seen on the far right of the photo above. And, I allowed the shapes to extend all the way to the un-embellished seam on the far left.

Threads used: black (#310) DMC size 12 pearl cotton + red (#498) DMC size 8 pearl cotton + cream (#0300) Anchor size 8 pearl cotton.

Stitches used: stem stitched black outline + detached chain stitched red flower petals + cream colonial knots at the base of the petals.

A few notes of interest:

1. The 1 X-mas Item a Month Blog announced accepting new elves. You may follow this link to read the details and leave a comment there if you are interested. 

2. Crazy Quilting International (CQI) just announced a Valentine Fabric Postcard Swap. The postcards need to be crazy quilted, include red fabric and a heart. If you think you might be interested, CQI meets on Facebook and on Yahoo. We would love to have more crazy quilters (beginners and experienced) join the fun!

3. Kathy Shaw's blog post reminded me about the Crazy Quilt Quarterly Calendar Contest. I do hope you will consider making a block to submit. You may read more details on Kathy's blog here

4. TAST will resume next Tuesday. You may join at any time. Details are here on Pintangle and the Facebook group meets here.

Thank you so much for stopping by!


  1. Another stunning seam Renee! This block is going to look fabulous... Sharon's templates are such fun... I have the first set.... you are tempting me to get the second! Thanks for all the lovely links to tempt me too! Looking forward to a very creative 2016!! Hugs Christine x

  2. Thanks for sharing the blocks you are creating with the templates. if I had a resolution, it might be to become more proficient using templates!!!

  3. That's really cute! I may need to get the second set, too.

  4. You are a busy girl. I've never done crazy quilting or many of the kinds of projects you tackle, so I love reading and seeing your progress and the things you create. As always, beautiful work.

  5. Very well executed, and it really is a lovely seam. Is that your CQJP block for January? I can't comment on the Christmas blog, but I sent her an e-mail last week and it didn't bounce, so I presume I'll hear from her eventually.

  6. What a fantastic idea the templates are. I've never seen them before but they are brilliant. Love what you have done with them, I can imagine all the designs you can make - have fun.

  7. Looks like you're having fun with the templates - hoping to play with mine tomorrow.


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