
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

TAST Stitch 21

TAST Stitch 21: Knotted Cretan Stitch

My first (and only) time trying out the knotted Cretan stitch, I made a little Christmas tree. 

I think I prefer the one Sharon made, with the knots closer to the outer edges of the branches; so I will definitely be playing with this stitch more in the future! 

There will be small red beads added for "ornaments" when I find time to sit and stitch again. (I have been busy sewing and will be sharing some of that soon.)

TAST will be taking a 3 week break. However, I am a couple of stitches behind. If my schedule allows me to catch up, I will share my progress. 

TAST stands for Take a Stitch Tuesday. It is a personal stitching challenge offered by Sharon B. on Facebook and on her blog, You may read more about it hereIf you follow the TAST Facebook group, you know there are some incredibly inspiring examples of these stitches being shared. Anyone may join at any time during the challenge. Thank you, Sharon, for offering TAST!

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. Very cute tree Renee! I thought this stitch was deceptively hard! Christine x

  2. Oh beautiful. I could definitely see how this stitch would work nicely on so many different themes.

  3. I love your tree. Will definitely be using this idea on my crazy quilt.

  4. Thank you, Pat!
    I do prefer Sharon B's tree example, but I had a lot of fun playing with this stitch! :)

  5. The Knotted Cretan stitch lends itself to many designs as, no doubt, you will find as you experiment in future.
    I hope to re-visit TAST this coming year. It's so easy to forget either the stitch name or how to do it, when there are well over 100 we have done.
    I love your little tree.

  6. I like hers, too, but I love your tree. That's just the kind of tree I love.

  7. This is a new-to-me stitch I think. I don't remember having tried it before. It's perfect for little trees or ferns.


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