
Monday, October 5, 2015

HAED QS Red Hearts Progress - October 2015

On my last update, I had completed 3,072 stitches on the Heaven and Earth Designs Quick Stitch chart QS Red Hearts. (There is a photo of the artwork this chart is inspired by on the sidebar to the right.)

Page 1 was 39.18% complete. The full chart was 6.54% complete.

Since that post, I have added 2,597 stitches. So, this is where I am now with 5,669 of 46,990 stitches complete.

Page 1 is 72.31% complete and the full chart is 12.06% complete. 

My next progress update will be shared on the first Monday of November. I hope to have page 1 finished by then, so you will be able to see her lovely face. (I fear her facial area looks a little creepy right now!)

I am linking up with the Monday Stitchery Link Party at Super Mom - No Cape! again this week. It is a great place to visit for a free embroidery pattern and to find links to more eye candy. If you do any hand stitching and have a blog, I encourage you to join the fun!


  1. You made great progress already Renee - well done! She looks beautiful. The colours are lovely.

  2. Well done Renee... you made a lot of progress.... this is a lovely design! Christine x

  3. Well done Renee, you have stitched a lot. Its looking really pretty.
    Barbara xx

  4. Great progress. I'm still marking out my Aida

  5. Wow, almost double! That would be amazing even if I didn't know that you are working on several other things, too!

  6. You are amazing Renee - I am always blown away by the sheer amount of stitches you manage to make in such a short amount of time.

  7. O COURSE I think this stitching is amazing!! I don't do cross stitch, but did you REALLY count the number of stitches you completed!! Tell me you did and it wasn't just included in the chart you were working from because I really DO think you are amazing!!
    xx, Carol


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