
Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday Stitchery Link Party #25

I stem stitched this heart and couched down a spider web - with a heart center - for this pink beaded spider.

This will be the front of a denim change purse. I just need to sew it together and sew it into the frame.

I am linking up with the Monday Stitchery Link Party #25 at Super Mom - No Cape! If you hand stitch and have a blog, I encourage you to link up and enjoy the fun! There is a giveaway this week too. There is also a great free embroidery pattern. If you do not stitch, I still encourage you to stop by and see what everyone has been up to!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. I hate spiders....but yours is adorable!! Great job.

  2. This is going to make a fabulous purse Renee! Love the pink spider! Christine x

  3. Very creative spider work!! At least he's pink!!
    xx, Carol

  4. Spiders REALLY freak me out... but yours is adorable!

  5. Looking forward to seeing this purse finished! I just love the heart, great stitching, my favourite colour too - and such a pretty spider. Barbara xx

  6. Absolutely delightful! Can hardly wait to see the finished product!!!

  7. Now, THAT's what a spider and web should look like!!!! She's adorable.

  8. I love your heart webbed spider. That is completely unique in my experience. Great idea. I'll try not to steal it. ;)

  9. Very cool - this will make a fun purse!

  10. That is going to be a fun little purse. And I love the pink spider!

    Thanks for linking up again to last week's Stitchery Link Party and the link back. Aloha hugs!


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