
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Work In Progress Wednesday 08/12/2015

Wow! I have not shared an update on my HAED Freebie Santa and the Mouse project since July 8th. Last night was the first time I touched it in the past (gulp) 5 weeks. I only managed 44 more stitches, so I was not even sure if I should share a new picture...

In the end, I decided progress is progress. There were a few more stitches added to finish off Santa's collar. That's it. I have a spreadsheet that I update each week that tracks how many stitches are remaining in each 10x10 grid on the chart. Looking at that today was a bit disappointing because I had been on track to finish this piece by August 18th. I'm not going to worry about it though. July was a month of quality family time with wonderful people I had not seen in 4 years and one I had not seen in 18 years. That was well worth the delay in progress!

I did manage to get a few of the more important items marked off of my To Do List! I finished Donna's snowball and finished piecing the last 3 blocks for my next Crazy Quilting International Under the Sea Round Robin (CQI UTS RR).

As always, thank you for stopping by!

Last Week's Goals:
1. Complete 250 x-stitches on the HAED Santa & the Mouse chart (which is no longer available, but it is a part of this chart at Heaven and Earth Designs.) Nope. 44 stitches. Photos above.

2. Link up with the Monday Stitchery Link Party #18 at Super Mom No Cape on August 10th. (If you missed the party on the 3rd, you may check it out here!) Done! I shared the snowball pictured in number 4 below. If you missed the post it is here.

3. Finish a project to add inventory to my Etsy shop

4. Embellish a snowball to swap with Donna A. in August. Done! If you missed the post, see the link at number 2 above.

5. Share progress with the ICQC 102 course from Shawkl Designs. Done! If you missed the post it is here

6.  Share a TAST Weeks 2 - 5 post on August 11th. Completed Weeks 2 & 3. If you missed the post, it is here.

7. Piece 3 blocks for the next CQI Under the Sea Round Robin that will begin on August 15th. (I have 3 I pieced for the first round robin, but changed my mind and made 6 others, so I did not send them out.) Done and mailed out today. I will share them all with you soon. Here is a sneak peek at one. I have been coloring fabric again...

This Week's Goals:
1. Complete 250 x-stitches on the HAED Santa & the Mouse chart (which is no longer available, but it is a part of this chart at Heaven and Earth Designs.) 

2. Link up with the Monday Stitchery Link Party #19 at Super Mom No Cape on August 17th. (If you missed the party on the 10th, you may check it out here!)

3. Finish a project to add inventory to my Etsy shop

4. Share progress with the ICQC 102 course from Shawkl Designs.

5. Share a TAST Weeks 4 - 6 post on August 18th.

6. Share pictures of the 6 blocks I made for the CQI UTS RR #2.


  1. I agree, progress is progress! Nice work this week.

  2. Family and friends always come first but looks like you have managed to get lots of craft done anyway. Even one stitchi is progress in my book!

  3. Well done Renee! Every little bit of progress counts! Good luck with this week's goals! :) x

  4. I agree with the others,any step forward is better than standing still. You have woke me up to a lot of stand still lately. Thank you for posting this. And your work is lovely, I'm new to embroidery and will look up these books. I absolutely love the snowball. Would you stell my why they call it that, at first I thought because it would finish up round, but then I noticed the halloween one was square. I'l take my lesson where I can find then.

  5. I forgot I'm taking the beginning class by Shawkl Designs now, we just started Tuesday I'm excited. I never thought about post about the progress as we go, great idea since we have to post it for her anyway. Thats two thank yous. I think I may have miss the robot square on the first comment. Hope you got it.
    Have a great day

  6. 44 stitches added is 44 less to do, so well done ") I like this design and noticed that HaED had most of the designs offered.

  7. You did manage a lot last week! I can see the difference in the two Santa pictures, so that definitely counts as progress. =)

  8. I love seeing your progress no matter how slow. I've just purchased a HAED pattern. It's 625 x 625 stitches and I predict my progress will make a snail look speedy

  9. Any progress is good! I'm sadly behind in my blog reading and commenting and decided that I would just jump back in here with my comments (I've read your other posts tho', so I haven't missed anything!).

  10. Sometimes life gets in the way of sewing but you can always go back to it. Lovely to see Santa coming to life, by Christmas he will be a full man!!

  11. Every stitch is one closer to completing the piece. Sounds like you had a lovely July. Well done on getting those things crossed off the to-do list.

  12. You are so right - progress is progress and every stitch makes the project grow.


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