
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Work In Progress Wednesday 08/05/2015

Stem stitch fence, buttonhole stems, straight stitch leaves and French knot flowers.

Once again, I do not have a lot of progress to share, but I do have some. On Sunday, life settled back into a quiet routine. My eldest is off to begin his freshman year at college in a few weeks, so we have been taking care of some last minute details for him. Other than that, I have had some time to stitch and finish up some chores the past few days.

My biggest embroidery goal this week was to finish Sandy's under the sea block for our round robin, and I am happy to say it is done and her beautiful blocks are on their way home to her. Next, I need to finish a snowball for Donna in exchange for the fun Halloween block she sent me. I added a tiny sneak peek above. She wants a flowers and gardens theme. I'm not quite sure I am meeting that theme, so I will send her a picture when I am done and if it doesn't fit her idea I will make her a new one. I am afraid this one kind of took on a life of its own. Once this block is done I will finally play with dyes and lace and ribbons to finish up my free ICQC 102 class from Kathy Shaw. (Speaking of which, registration is open until midnight on August 6th for her ICQC 103 class. You can check it out at the link above.)

In addition to my goals below, I also plan to make my way to to purchase a copy of the Autumn 2015 edition of the Crazy Quilt Quarterly Magazine. 

Please note there was a photo error in the magazine. You may see Genevieve Tracey's "Out of My Darkness" quilt here, on Pamela Kellogg's blog. By mistake, the photo in the magazine is of the Piecemaker's 2009 Times and Seasons Quilt that inspired Genevieve's quilt. 

Last Week's Goals:
1. Complete 250 x-stitches on the HAED Santa & the Mouse chart (which is no longer available, but it is a part of this chart at Heaven and Earth Designs.) 

2. Link up with the Monday Stitchery Link Party #17 at Super Mom No Cape on August 3rd. (If you missed the party on the 27th, you may check it out here!) Done! I shared my work on Sandy's block for the CQI UTS RR. (See #6 below.)

3. Finish a project to add inventory to my Etsy shop

4. Embellish a snowball to swap with Donna A. in July. It is over halfway done. See the sneak peek picture at the beginning of this post.

5. Share progress with the ICQC 102 course from Shawkl Designs.

6. Complete and share pictures of Sandy's blocks from the CQI Under the Sea Round Robin. Done! The post is here, if you missed it.

7. Share a TAST Weeks 2 - 4 post on August 4th.

8. Piece 3 blocks for the next CQI Under the Sea Round Robin that will begin on August 15th. (I have 3 I pieced for the first round robin, but changed my mind and made 6 others, so I did not send them out.)

9. Share pictures of my beautiful Under the Sea blocks that made it home! Done! If you missed the post, it is here. (You may click on any photo for a larger image.)

This Week's Goals:
1. Complete 250 x-stitches on the HAED Santa & the Mouse chart (which is no longer available, but it is a part of this chart at Heaven and Earth Designs.) 

2. Link up with the Monday Stitchery Link Party #18 at Super Mom No Cape on August 10th. (If you missed the party on the 3rd, you may check it out here!)

3. Finish a project to add inventory to my Etsy shop

4. Embellish a snowball to swap with Donna A. in July August.

5. Share progress with the ICQC 102 course from Shawkl Designs.

6.  Share a TAST Weeks 2 - 5 post on August 11th.

7. Piece 3 blocks for the next CQI Under the Sea Round Robin that will begin on August 15th. (I have 3 I pieced for the first round robin, but changed my mind and made 6 others, so I did not send them out.)


  1. Hello Renee! Glad you have time to get some stitching done again. I love your little fence and flowers... very sweet and delicate! I have ordered my copy of the CQQ Magazine... I order the paper version.... It is such a lovely surprise when it arrives!! Good luck with your goals for this week! :) x

  2. I love the sneak peek you gave us. The fence with the flowers lining up along the bottom of it is really pretty.

    When I was reading through your goals, I noticed that you're making blocks for another Under the Sea round robin. I'll admit that made me smile and say Yeah!... because I have loved seeing all the blocks from the one just finished.

    Sending kids off to college/university is such a bittersweet, topsy-turvy experience. You're happy and excited for them for their new adventure but there's that little part of you that is wondering where all the years went and wishes you could freeze time just for a bit while you adjust. At least that's how it was for me when ours went.

  3. Great job with your goals. Good luck with the new goals. Can't wait to see more of your block. I'm sure it will be perfect like everything else you do.

  4. Wonderful progress. Gook luck to your son on his college adventure.

  5. Healthy list of goals! You have a lot going on in your life right now, but you're still forging ahead. I LOVE that seam, and will not doubt contemplate its theft, if I find the right place for it. ;) Somehow mine never look the same because 99% of the time, I simply don't do what I'm supposed to. LOL


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