
Monday, August 10, 2015

Snowball Swap with Donna July/August 2015

Last week, I finished up the "snowball" I made for Donna through the Crazy Quilting International Snowball Swap. 

This was the Halloween themed snowball that Donna made for me. I just love it!

Donna requested a snowball with a flower/garden theme or an under the sea theme. In case you did not notice (I am typing with a giggle), I have worked on a few under the sea themed blocks lately. So, I chose the flower/garden theme.

After stitching the fence (with a stem stitch and perle cotton), I added a tiny little line of buttonhole stitches (with 2 strands of green DMC floss.) These were the stems for tiny dandelions growing along the fence line. Using the same floss, I added a straight stitch to each side of the stems to create little leaves. A tiny French knot (using 2 strands of yellow DMC floss) topped each flower. To give you a bit of size perspective, the fence is about 3/8-inch tall. The little dandelions are 1/8-inch tall.

I had a hard time deciding what to do next. Then I saw a sketch of a tree from the book Doodle Stitching: The Motif Collection by Aimee Ray. (My mother-in-law gave the book to me for Christmas a couple of years ago and the trees are my favorites.) I used brown Anchor size 8 perle cotton and a stem stitch to outline the tree and fill in the trunk. (Had I planned better, I would not have had to stitch over part of the fence and a dandelion. Thankfully, you cannot tell looking at the finished piece!)

Next, I added English daisies following directions in Embroidery for all Seasons by Diana Lampe. (This is one of my favorite embroidery books.)

Using the same book, I added English bluebells (which I still need to practice) and forget-me-nots.

Tiny chain stitched leaves on the tree, a small purple butterfly and a small white butterfly completed the piece.

I just love embroidery! I am happy to say Donna likes her snowball and it is on its way to her now.

About the books I used: the following links should take you to them at I am always curious about what books and resources other people use, so I thought I would add these. Disclaimer: I am not associated with the books, but I do receive a small credit with Amazon if you visit their website through my blog and make a purchase. Doodle Stitching is here and Embroidery for all Seasons is here

For readers new to my blog, Crazy Quilting International (CQI) is a crazy quilting group I discovered on the Yahoo groups several years ago through their blog. CQI also meets on Facebook now (as Crazy Quilt International.) The snowball swap is a friendship swap that is open to all members in the group. 

I am linking this post with the Monday Stitchery Link Party #18 at Super Mom - No Cape! If you stitch and have a blog, I encourage you to link up. If you do not stitch or have a blog, I still encourage you to check out what others have been up to this week. There is always a free embroidery pattern too.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. It's a delightful piece - well done!

  2. Hello Renee! Your snowball block is just perfect.... you have stitched all the flowers beautifully! Christine x

  3. Your embroidery is very pretty. I love picking out pieces I need for projects from a variety of different books. It makes each piece unique and special.

  4. Beautiful blocks. I love the garden theme.
    Thank you for the list of books. I've been thinking of picking up the motif book.

  5. Hi Renee
    Mightly sweet stitching!! Love the tree, and those tiny flowers.
    xx, Carol

  6. I love the finish! It really does look like a lovely natural garden. I noticed the banner the other day and think it looks great!

  7. Wonderful scene. I love the fence.
    The DL books are great.

  8. Hi Renee,

    Lovely embroidery! I love all the stitches you have picked out. That is a really pretty picture and it makes a lovely banner for your blog.

    I am new to your lovely blog and am visiting from Super Mom's Linky Stitchery Party. I posted my first "party piece", last Monday, but wasn't quite ready in time this week, I will be ready next week! See you again, Have a lovely weekend.

    Barbara xx (


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