
Monday, August 24, 2015

Oregon State University Crazy Quilt Block Completed!

Last year, I pieced this block as part of the Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2014 (CQJP 2014.) My goal was to embellish a block to create a purse or bag with each month. (I fell behind, but I am still plugging away!)

This was the bare block. My goal was to only use orange, black and white embellishments. Sometimes working with only 3 colors can be a challenge. On this block it was a lot of fun!

Some of the seam combinations I used were introduced by Valerie Bothell in the Joyful Embellishments Facebook group.

Others were shared as examples of stitches taught by Sharon Boggon through her Take a Stitch Tuesday (TAST) lessons.

I also played with some glow-in-the-dark #8 fine braid Kreinik to create this spider and web. (I learned how to make this type of spider from Marsha Michler's book The Magic of Crazy Quilting: A Complete Resource for Embellished Quilting. Please note: the link will take you to the book on I am not affiliated with the book, but if anyone enters Amazon through my blog and makes a purchase, I do receive a small credit. I found the glow-in-the-dark Kreinik at and at the Friendship Crossing cross-stitch store in Corvallis, Oregon.)

It was hard to photograph, but you can sort-of see it glow in this picture. (I had to play with it a bit in Picasa to get it to show up at all. It may show up better if you click the photo for a larger view.) It looks SO great in person. The web glows a yellowish-green and the spider glows orange. I just love things that glow-in-the-dark!

Creating unique Oregon State University items for the OSU alumni in my life is always fun. (There are enough OSU grads in my family that I think it makes me a Beaver fan by default!)

The block will be finished off in a project later this week and I will share it with my 1 Xmas Item a Month post. 

This post is being linked to the Monday Stitchery Link Party #20 at Super-Mom No Cape! If you have a blog and do any hand embroidery, I encourage you to join the fun. If you do not, I still encourage you to see the variety of lovely work other bloggers share.

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. I really like what you have done here. I am sure that working with orange, white and black has been somewhat of a challenge. Your embellishments are beautiful.

  2. Hello Renee! What a beautiful finished block! I love it! The colours and stitching are lovely! Christine x

  3. I'm not an OSU fan, but I love the stitching on your block!

  4. Fun block! I don't know OSU, but the colors are sure sparking a Halloween inspiration!! It's never too early to think orange and black.
    xx, Carol

  5. This can do double duty - not only for the team, but also for Halloween. Win/win!

  6. I really like your orange, white and black block, as you know. I especially liked your Y-stitch seam.


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