
Sunday, July 12, 2015

Piggy Bank Savings Challenge

Val's Quilting Studio

While visiting the blog Tanya Quilts in Colorado last week, I learned about the annual "Piggy Bank Savings = Money for Quilting Challenge" at Val's Quilting Studio.

I decided it was time to empty out our "piggy bank" (a.k.a. sun tea pitcher) and sign up for the 3rd annual challenge. If you are interested in joining the fun, you have until August 1st to sign up. You may find all of the details here on Val's blog.

After discussing the challenge with my hubby and discussing a couple of goals for the money we would be saving through July 6th of 2016, I think we decided we would split the money we saved. My half would be used for crazy quilting supplies. His half would be used for golf (or possibly brewing supplies.) He said, "One of them sounds fun!" I agreed.

It would be fun to pinch pennies together!


  1. I saw this challenge and it didn't interest me much. First I thought because being retired, we really don't have much free money. But after reading your post, I realized the disinterest stems from the fact that we use a debit card for just about all purchases. I tend to budget better with it, believe it or not. It will be interesting to see how much change you accumulate in a year!!
    (PS, I do save quarters. They added up much more quickly when I worked!).
    xx, Carol

  2. Hello Renee! This sounds like fun.... It will be fun to see how much you can save! :)

  3. Great idea! I'm going to check it out!

  4. Renee so glad to have you and your hubby aboard!! Right, $50 extra bucks for crazy quilting supplies....or fun. LIke Carol said previously, in this modern day, change and cash isn't as widely used...but we still seem to come up with about $200.00 in our household each year. It's all good fun...glad to have found your blog as I'm just currently started by very first crazy quilt sampler.

  5. PS: I added myself as your newest GFC follower. YAH!

  6. This sounds like such a fun thing to take part in. Unfortunately all my spare change always ends up getting eaten up by the parking meters downtown. Boo.

  7. I did this last year but I'm not emptying my piggy bank until August as there's a large Quilt Show here that I aim to spend my money in. I'm only saving £2 and 20p coins in my piggy bank as I save the small coinage in an old bottle and have always done so

  8. I really liked the idea of the both of you putting in the piggy, golf would be my husband's choice or art painting supplies. I too like embroidery and crazy quilting. But I just started a couple months ago. I'm following your on GFC. I'm using you to inspire me to keep trying the crazy quilting.

  9. HI Renee! How's you jug filling??? A month from today, July 6th, we count our cash and link our savings! Can't believe it's been a year already!


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