
Sunday, April 26, 2015

One Lovely Blog Award

On Thursday, I finally visited a blog or two. I was not at all surprised to discover Kim at Wisdom with Needle and Thread had been nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award. However, I was very surprised to see my blog listed with her nominations. Thank you, Kim! You are entirely too sweet.

The purpose of this award is for bloggers to nominate fellow, mostly newer, bloggers that they wish to recognize. The goal is to bring attention to blogs that we think are "lovely" and enjoy reading. We hope others will enjoy reading these blogs also.

In order to accept the award, the nominated blogger must follow these rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you & link back to them in your post
  • Share seven facts about yourself
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers for the award 

Here are my seven facts:

1.  I am married to my best friend (this year will be our 22nd anniversary) and we have two amazing boys. If you ever wonder why the url for my blog is, Monkey is my 18-year-old's nickname and Mutt is my 15-year-old's nickname - though his is only used on my blog.

2. My love of crafting was inspired by a dear family friend. During middle school, my younger sister and I became "littles" in the local Big Brother Big Sister Program. Our "big sister" was Diane. She ran the program for several years and my sister and I were incredibly blessed to have her in our lives. Diane and her husband, Dick, made an effort to introduce my sister and I to experiences we might not have otherwise had. We went to a photography club meeting, the county fair, a ballet performance, miniature golf, etc. Diane taught me how to knit. (I made a scarf in high school, but have completely forgotten everything I learned!) And, she taught me how to cross-stitch. My love of embroidery has only grown over the years, and I doubt I would crazy quilt now without the foundation Diane built when I was a teenager. She also gave my sister and I a sewing machine. The one rule was that we use it. My sister was not horribly interested, so my mom and I gave it a great workout. The motor finally gave out a couple of years ago, but I still have it and intend to have it repaired.

3. I love Christmas decorations and I love snowmen. I created the button snowman below on a block for Lynne F. in MA.

4. I love to read. My non-fiction tastes include books on gardening, personal finance, autobiographies and crafts. (Cookbooks used to be my biggest passion, but with my dietary restrictions now, most recipes will not work for me - lol!) My fiction tastes include mysteries (Mary Higgins Clark and Elizabeth George), romances (Jane Austin and Sandra Brown), young adult (Stephenie Meyer and Suzanne Collins), and my guilty pleasures are science fiction/paranormal/horror stories (I am embarrassed to admit that pretty much anything with a vampire or telekinetic abilities will intrigue me. Why embarrassed? Who knows - lol!)

5. I love Halloween decor and fabrics. In fact, I met Kim at Wisdom with Needle and Thread through her 1st annual Halloween Ornament Exchange in 2014. The ornament I created is pictured below. (I will be sharing another Halloween themed block tomorrow!) 

6. Handmade gifts are my favorite to give and to receive.

7. My mother crochets beautifully. I have never had the patience to learn. However, this summer I think I would finally like to try. 

This is the hard part. There are sooo many wonderful blogs that I follow. Only selecting 10 newer blogs is not easy! (Going with newer blogs with less than 200 followers might make it easier... I hope!) I hope you enjoy a visit to these lovely blogs as much as I do!

Queeniepatch - Queenie's Needlework

Christine - Patchwork Allsorts

Carrie - Crafting Paws

Thank you so much for visiting!


  1. Congratulations on your well-deserved award! Nice to know more about you. What a wonderful story of how you got into crafting, Diane sounds like a very special person. I haven't read any of those blogs you nominated so will enjoy reading them this evening.

  2. You have a wonderful blog and do beautiful needlework. Thanks for nominating me.

  3. Hello Renee! It doesn't surprise me at all that you have been nominated for this award... your blog is lovely, I really enjoy reading it!! It was lovely to read a bit more about you in this post and thank you so much for the nomination! I am touched.... I will have to work on my own post! :) x

  4. Hi Renee it was fun learning more about you,lovely post xx

  5. Hi, Renee! I loved learning more about you. I, too, enjoy paranormal and science fiction. Fringe, Eureka, Once, Star Trek....oh dear....I can go on and on. I, too enjoy the same authors you listed, hmmmmm.....maybe we're related? HA!

  6. Hi Renee
    Nice to learn more about you. I also enjoyed touring your eclectic list of nominees.
    xx, Carol

  7. Fun post today - it was great to learn more about you and I hopped quickly over to visit each of the blogs you listed - a couple I was aware of and the rest I will re-visit when I have a few extra minutes.

  8. I loved learning so much about you. Your Big Sister was a gem! I love your button snowman. YA fiction - you might like Shannon Messenger. Mysteries - I really like the Ian Rutledge series by Charles Todd and Maisie Dobbs byJacqueline Winspear. I look forward to seeing your Halloween block.


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