
Monday, January 19, 2015

We Support You Blog Hop Sneak Peek #11

This little flower is the 11th sneak peek of my project for the We Support You Blog Hophosted by Madame Samm at Sew We Quilt. Our wonderful cheerleader is Pat from Life in the Scrapatch.

The light pink size 12 Finca perle cotton flower, made up with 5 lazy daisy stitches and a French knot, did not show up much on this fabric. A second set of outlining lazy daisy stitches, made with a darker pink size 8 Anchor perle cotton was the perfect solution.  

I do so hope the "big reveal" of my project lives up to your expectations.

Yesterday, I was thrilled to finish the last bit of embroidery planned for this project.

I was also incredibly nervous that I might mess things up. Completely unfounded, right? Maybe not...

Things were going right along at my turtle-like pace and IT happened.  "Measure twice, cut once," isn't that the saying?  Well, I measured 3 times, but forgot the seam allowance...

Could I make it work? Yes. But it would be a glaring mistake.  There are just too many hours invested to leave this oops.

On a positive note, at least this was literally the easiest piece to do over.  I only have a teensy-weensy bit of the embroidery floss remaining that needs to be used.  Hopefully, it will be enough.  If not, my wonderful hubby has offered to drive out of town to the only store I know that carries this particular floss to buy it for me.  (He is sweet, isn't he?!)

This little oops of mine pretty much scared me away from the new technique I was planning to use.  I think I may save that for a project without an impending deadline.  Of course, my alternative plan will be a bit more time consuming.  It is still something relatively new to me, so it will be a learning experience.  I have 10 very busy days in front of me! :)

Off I go!  Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Oh dear - I've done that very same thing altogether too many times to count! Hope you can rectify it without too much difficulty. We can 'feel' for each other because I'm also in the throes of doing something new and not at all sure of the outcome!

  2. I certainly can't wait for the Big Reveal! But I say go for the technique. Oops just means "Lesson Learned". Lovely Stitching.

  3. You are not the only one who has made such a mistake! Looking forward to the Big Reveal!


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