
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Pink Flower Seam

More than a month had passed since I last worked on a crazy quilt block.  Though I have done a fair amount of embroidery, I missed seam work.  Last night, I picked up a block and put this together.

Along the bottom, there is some tiny white rickrack attached with DMC white size 12 perle cotton floss.

Next, a green shade of Anchor size 8 perle cotton was used to create a buttonhole seam (with uneven lengths), followed by lazy daisy stitches on both sides of the longer stems.

Pink Anchor size 8 perle cotton finished the seam.  Two straight stitches and a French knot topped the shorter stems.  Three lazy daisy stitches topped the longer stems.

I feel SO much better now.  It is funny how stitching a pretty little seam can fill me with contentment.

Now I am off to check out Day 3 of the Tammy 4 all Seasons Blog Hop over at Sew We Quilt.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh that is so pretty. I love stopping by to see what you are up to.

  2. Pretty! Loving your sneak peeks on some of your other posts. :) Finally getting my laptop all set up and now I can start checking out blogs again.

  3. That's what I call a cq seam fix! The result, beautiful!

  4. Beautiful!!! I love it, well done!

  5. I have to admit I was giggling when I saw this - not at your beautiful needlework skills but because I was playing with a ric rac seam just yesterday. Great minds?


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