
Sunday, December 7, 2014

CQJP 2014 July Block

Crazy Quilt Journal Project (CQJP) 2014 - July Block by Renee Y.
Well, it is December, and I finally completed my July block for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2014.  (Registration for CQJP 2015 is open until December 20th, if you are interested signing up or in learning more about the challenge, check out THIS LINK.  Block sizes will be a minimum of 8-inches square.  I want to sign up, but have not finished the past two years, so I am still undecided.)

This block was really a lot of fun to make.  I love the combination of red, white and blue.  For some time, I wanted to try making a fan-shaped crazy quilt block.  It was a lot of fun!  I kept the stitching relatively simple.  The seams were created with stitches Sharon B. introduced through Take-A-Stitch Tuesday (TAST) posts on

If I remember correctly, this was my first use of a lace motif.  I just love this little dragonfly!  (I am not affiliated with the shop, but I did purchase this 2 1/4 x 2 1/2" motif through

I did not want the embellishments in the white sections to detract from the fan too much, so I stayed with white-on-white.  The bottom corner just screamed for a spider web.

Eventually, this block will become the front pocket on a purse using up-cycled denim. 

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. The fan block and colours create a lovely fresh look. As a pocket it will be unusual - I presume that's a money spider wandering bout?

    Keep working on the UFOs, it's well worth the time taken.

    1. Ooh! A money spider... I like that! :)

      7 blocks done. I have been working on the August block this evening. We shall see how many I can complete before the end of the year!

  2. I love your white spider and web. Now I don't feel so bad. I finished all the blocks for 2012 and 2013, but I only did six last year, and I'm still working on February this year. =P Good to see I'm not alone!


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