
Monday, November 17, 2014

A "Snowball" for Lori F. in Ontario, Canada!

Winter snowman "snowball" for Lori F. in Ontario, Canada
Earlier this month, I completed a "snowball" to swap with Lori F. in Ontario, Canada.  Lori had requested a snowball theme of my favorite season.  It took me a while to decide, as fall is my favorite season.  I love the crisp cool mornings, the beauty of leaves changing color, and that it is finally pumpkin season!  However, I just love to embroider winter scenes and I was itching to make another button snowman.  Winter won!

Embroidered Winter Tree
This tree was created with size 5 green variegated DMC floss and with size 5 white DMC floss for the snowy evergreen section.  Size 5 brown DMC floss was couched down with a single matching strand of DMC cotton floss to create the tree trunk.  I fell in love with the wonderful texture the size 5 floss gave the tree.

Size 8 and 12 white DMC flosses were used to create the snowy hills and snowflakes.  Mill Hill petite glass beads were added as accents and as additional snowflakes.

Button Snowman
Before I began stitching on the snowball, I used black and orange acrylic paints to create a face on one button and to add buttons to another.  The "twig" arms were couched down, as was the scarf.  I originally planned to add black seed beads to the holes in the large button at the bottom.  However, they were too small.  The larger black beads I found were just too big.  So, I decided this snowman was perfect just the way he was.
Snowman "snowball" from Lori F.

I do hope Lori likes this little winter scene!  If you missed the snowball she sent me, it is pictured above and you may read about it on this post.

What I forgot to mention is that Lori supports the National Inclusion Project.  I had the opportunity to work with some wonderful students in our school district, and I have memories that will last forever from the experience.  However, I was not aware of the National Inclusion Project.  I encourage you to check it out, you may reach their website HERE.

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. You get such an amazing amount of detail into one small snowball! Your tree is gorgeous.

    1. Thank you! I was really pleased with how this tree turned out. I just LOVE the texture of it. (I may need to stitch one on something for me - lol!) It was a lot of fun to stitch.

  2. The winter blocks are so beatuiful in colours and charming in design!

    1. Thank you! I really enjoy working with the winter theme. I do believe snow and spiders have something in common - I like them best embroidered!

  3. That tree is awesome! Love the snowy branches. :)

    1. Thank you! It was inspired by the pencil pine in Diana Lampe's book, Embroidery for All Seasons (which I think you might have mentioned you have?!) Oooh! That reminds me I need to put The Secret Garden on my Christmas wish list...

  4. Another pretty snowball, love your tree!


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