
Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Thank You Gift for Kim

I wanted to send Kim at Wisdom with Needle and Thread a small token of appreciation for hosting the 2014 Halloween Exchange.  Unfortunately, I did not have time to stitch anything, so I went with the next best idea I could conjure up!

Not knowing what Kim might like, I decided to take a look at some of her work. The ornament Kim created for this exchange was a cute cross-stitch pattern of a witch. (It is the fourth photo in THIS post on her blog.)  So, I found this witch silhouette amongst my fabric stash and decided it would be perfect.

Above is a picture of the back side of the coin purse.

I am happy to note that every time I make one of these little coin purses, following the tutorial on Sweet Bee Buzzings, I get better at hiding the inside stitches from sewing the frame in.  (After following all of the directions on the tutorial, I thread a size 26 tapestry needle with a strand of size 5 perle cotton and work my way across the frame one last time to add a seed bead over each hole in the frame.)

Imagine my delight when Kim mentioned her desire to look up the tutorial to make one of these coin purses in a comment on my blog.  She had no idea one was already on its way to greet her. I hope she likes it and was able to use it between the time she received it and Halloween!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. It's perfect! Many thanks for your kindness.

    1. You are most welcome! It was so sweet of you to set up an exchange so one of your non-blogging friends could participate! And, you were always so sweet about answering question after question. (((Hugs)))

  2. This is a FABULOUS little purse Renee!! Well done & I think arrived at a great time to cheer Kim too xox

    1. Thank you for the sweet compliment! I was hoping it would bring a smile, and it sounds like receiving it after the swap may have worked better that way. Hugs, Renee

  3. Such a sweet little gift - and useful too. I've never tried making anything like this and might be tempted to have a go.

    1. It took me a long time to work up the courage. I still struggle a bit in the joints where the body of the purse meets with the top, but it gets easier every time I make one. They really are cute and fun to make!


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