
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

TAST 6/3/2014

This week, I managed to catch up on a few more stitches for TAST (Take a Stitch Tuesday.)  Sharon shared some lovely stitches with us.  To see what others have been up to, be sure to check out the posts and comments on last week and this week.

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TAST #8: Chain Stitch

Making trees is one of my favorite ways to use the chain stitch. I used 2 strands of a couple of shades of brown DMC embroidery floss.

TAST #9: Couching

Here, I couched down perle cotton with a strand of embroidery floss in a matching shade of yellow.

TAST #113: Beaded Feathered Chain Stitch

After making this seam with size 8 blue perle cotton and blue and yellow seed beads, I liked it, but felt it looked a bit too bold.  So, I built the seam in hopes of softening it up a bit.


TAST #114: Long Tail Chain

 I used this stitch to add small half-circle flowers to the yellow fabric along this seam, using a variegated yellow floss.
Variation: Long Tail Chain Whipped. I worked this with a size 8 variegated pink perle cotton and added a seed bead to the center of each "flower."

TAST #115: Beaded Long Tail Chain

 Next time, I would like to try this stitch with a perle cotton. I used a pink EdMar rayon floss here with small pink seed beads and filled the center with a larger pink bead. I do love the way it sparkles and catches the light!

Thank you for stopping by!



  1. You've been very busy! I like your tree, maybe you can add some woven detached chain leaves (TAST 58).

    1. Thank you! I suppose the upside to having too many projects in the works is that I can almost always find one to try the TAST stitches on. ;) Great minds think alike, as adding green detached chain stitched leaves was my next step with the tree!

  2. The tree is beautifully made up of chain stitches and the background fabric is perfect. All your Long Tail Chain stitches are fabulous!

  3. Thank you! The sky fabric is one of my favorites for landscapes.


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