
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

TAST 05/27/14

I managed to complete a few more TAST stitches over the past few weeks.  They are listed below.

TAST #3: Feather Stitch

I must admit, the idea for the leaves and flowers I added to the feather stitch were inspired by a photo on Pinterest someone posted from the Humming Needles blog.  (The work there is always a treat!)

TAST #4: Cretan Stitch

TAST #5: Herringbone Stitch

After a few more embellishments.

TAST #6: Chevron Stitch

TAST #112: Feathered Chain Stitch

(I have some more practice to do with this one...)

After adding a few more detached chain stitches and beads.

Next week, I hope to be caught up with stitches 113-115.

Thank you for stopping by! Please remember to stop by Pintangle to see what other stitchers have been up to!



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