
Sunday, April 13, 2014

CQI Heart DYB Round Robin Bare Blocks

CQI Heart DYB RR 2014 - Renee Y.'s bare blocks
On May 1st, I will be starting a new round robin with five other members of the Crazy Quilting International (CQI) Yahoo! Group.  The theme will be hearts.  And it is a Do Your Block (DYB) Round Robin (RR), meaning we each make 6 blocks that are 6" x 6".  The five other members of the RR will select a block to work on, and I will have one block to embellish when they make their way home.

These will be made into a wall hanging for my bedroom - which is painted red, black and white.

I will share more with you about this RR the beginning of May, when I receive my first set of blocks to work on.

(If you want to check out some amazing eye candy, make a visit to the CQI blog - that is where I discovered this wonderful group.) 

Have a great week!



  1. Can't wait to see what happens with these blocks!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Me too! It is hard to really see the textures of the fabrics, but there are satins, velvets, cottons and a crepe-like fabric too. I don't do much "sane" quilting, but I was half tempted to just make a quilted hanging out these and put them up in our bedroom now - lol! They are colors I do not usually work with, so it will be really fun to see how they turn out. And the ladies in the RR all do amazing embroidery. I'm excited! (Oops. I deleted my first response due to a typo...)


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