
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

TAST #96 Beaded Link Chain Stitch

TAST #96 Beaded Link Chain Stitch
On January 21st, Sharon Boggon at Pin Tangle provided Take A Stitch Tuesday (TAST) stitches 95, the Linked Chain Stitch, and 96, the Beaded Link Chain Stitch.  I did not have a size 26 tapestry needle, so I only completed #95 last week (which you can see if you click here.)

For a closer view, click on the photos.

This week, I picked up a size 26 tapestry needle.  I also bought the size 28 tapestry needle, as it looked a wee bit daintier and I wondered if I could fit a petite glass seed bead over the eye.  (I doubt it, but I will get to that soon enough!)

I used 1 strand of DMC size 12 perle cotton and Mill Hill 00358 glass seed beads.  These seed beads may not have been the best choice.  My first bead went on like a charm.  However, by the time I fit 7 beads onto the link, I had found more than 20 that would not fit over the eye.  So, I managed to thread my size 28 tapestry needle and finished the rest of the link with only 5 of those 20 being too small. Yay!

My links are not quite consistently sized, so I definitely need more practice.  That should not be a problem, though.  I love this stitch and look forward to using it again!

Here is the view from the side.
TAST #96 Beaded Link Chain Stitch - side view
This was my first seam on the Dream block I need to embellish from the CQI Winter/Christmas DYB Round Robin.

Finishing this block and putting my wall hanging together will be my Work in Progress (WIP) Wednesday project.  So, I hope to have more progress to share with you tomorrow!

Oh, and the Heart DYB Round Robin is full, so I will have another round robin to share with you all soon!

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. I love Mill Hill Beeads and use them all the time, when I find I'm using a needle with an eye which is too large I get a pieces of fuse wire, bend it double, thread it through the beads open ends first and then catch the thread in the looped end and pull it through with the wire, much the same as using a needle threader. Hope this helps in the future. Lesley x

  2. Ok .. ignore the above post, I didn't check the TAST details and I now realise that you have to add the beads singly. (nts, don't post late at night when you're tired!).
    Lesley x

    1. I love Mill Hill beads, too! Thanks for the idea. Adding the beads as I stitched was totally new to me. I usually add them afterward and secure each bead individually, so if the thread breaks only one bead would be lost rather than all of them. It was a fun stitch!

  3. oh, and the stitching is lovely, thanks for sharing, I see this appearing in work in the future :)

  4. Me encanta el Crazy Quilting. He hecho algunas cosas, pero me falta experiencia.
    Lindo tu blog. Te sigo.
    Saludos desde Chile

    1. Thank you! I enjoyed visiting your blog. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your puppy. (((Hugs)))

  5. Really love that beaded chain stitch. Gonna have to give that a try on one of my many projects. Have a great day! Aloha

    1. Thank you! It was a fun one that I will be repeating. :)


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