
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Landscape 1 Glasses Case Completed!

Well, I have never claimed to be a seamstress.  There is a good reason for that - my sewing skills are definitely at a novice level!  The bottom is slanted.  One corner is rounded, and the other not-so-much.

I wish I had not used the fluffy green fabric where I did.  And, the sun should have had a few more chain stitched rows. However, that being said, I think I am still happy with the way this gift turned out. 

I found a fat quarter of this green fabric in my stash and used it for the back.  As for the La Mode button, I picked it up at Jo-Ann Fabric the end of last year, planning to use it with this gift.  The scenic picture with the tree seemed just too fitting! 

The inside lining is a soft yellow flannel.  (You can see it peeking out around the flap for the button.

Thank you for stopping by!

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