
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Weekly Goal Updates

Silver Falls State Park, Oregon

Highlights of the week: It was a wonderful week of summer.  I took the time to actually read a book (well, a book that was not related to crazy quilting or embroidery of any type.)  Of course, that may be part of the reason I did not accomplish some of the goals below.  Oops!

On Friday, we went to Silver Falls again.  This time, my husband was unable to join us – someone has to work (sorry, Honey!)  So, the boys and I met up with the same friends we went to the beach with last week.  They brought their dog, so we were limited to hiking the Rim Trail this time, but that worked out just fine.  We actually passed a wonderful couple that we know while we were on the trail – what a small world!

Silver Falls State Park, Oregon
Saturday was a family yard work day.  I do not know that I would say it was “fun,” but we accomplished a lot, the backyard looks so much better, and we enjoyed one another’s company.

Sunday, my 15-year-old (Monkey) drove us to watch a movie.  Prior to the show, we stopped for lunch at a favorite restaurant.  Luckily, we gave ourselves about an hour to eat.  The food was great and we enjoyed spending the time together out on the patio.  However, our food took over forty-five minutes to prepare.  The poor waitress arrived asking us if we wanted to scarf our food down or if we wanted to-go boxes.  With only eight minutes to eat, we opted to scarf and requested boxes so we could pack our grub and go, if necessary.  It was a fun family day.

Monday was fabulous because I finally figured out a plan of attack for Mardeen’s block with the CQI Novice Round Robin.  I practiced on my doodle cloth until I convinced myself I would not mess the block up horribly.  And then… I ended up stitching past midnight.  Early this morning, I drug myself out of bed when my husband went downstairs to make coffee before work.  He entered the living room and exclaimed,  “You have got to be kidding me!”  I guess he did not expect me to sit down, sleepy-eyed, to begin stitching away first thing this morning. (Grins.)

Last Week’s Goals (July 17-23):
Running: 3 days – up to 4 miles – Nope.  I managed a 4 hour hike with friends, did a ton of gardening, and managed a couple of runs.  The Warrior Dash is quickly approaching, so I need to kick it in gear!
Sewing: Adhere stems and leaves to quilt top.  Purchase enough green thread to stitch them on.  Nope.  I actually FORGOT to buy the thread (the main reason I went to the fabric store) on Thursday.  So, I finally picked it up on Sunday.
Crazy Quilt: Finish “January” (the word) on the January block.  Nope… yard work, reading, hiking, oh the excuses!
Round Robin: Once I receive the first block (of 4), my goal is to plan my stitching and make sure I have the supplies on hand to complete my planned work.  DONE! 

This Week’s Goals (July 24-30)
Running: 3 days – up to 4 miles and cross train at least 2 days
Sewing: Adhere stems and leaves to quilt top.
Crazy Quilt: Finish “January” (the word) on the January block.
Round Robin: Make as much progress as possible.  I challenged myself with my “plan” and am thrilled it seems to be working out.  I REALLY want to post a progress picture, but am forcing myself to wait until I finish.  It is torture – lol!

I hope you were able to check a few more items off your "To Do List" than I was this week!


  1. Hi Renee
    Your pictures of silver falls are so pretty!
    It is so beautiful there.

    What kind of tree is that in the first picture?
    I don't think I have ever seen one like that before.

  2. Crystal,

    Thank you!

    Ummm.... I get to show off my ignorance here *grins* about the tree. I am not sure. It was a dead evergreen with tons of moss growing on the branches. I loved the view of the waterfall from the trail and through the tree branches, so I thought I would share it. :)



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