
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Crazy Quilt Day 8

I put together the February block for my crazy quilt.  I was itching to try some pretty stitches and some silk ribbon embroidery (SRE).  Valentine's Day sounded perfect!  The printed cottons I chose to use might make it a little too busy.  We will see.  This whole quilt is a "practice" quilt so I can improve my embroidery skills for the "pretty" crazy quilt I plan to make next.  (And I know myself.  If I get too critical, I will set this aside and never finish; so, my philosophy is that it is all a great learning experience, if nothing else!)

February Naked Block

In my attempt to make a heart-like shape in the center, I ended up with a couple of tricky spots.  In two spots, I decided to fold under a quarter inch seam and then sew close to the edge of the fabric.  I plan to cover those visible stitches with my embellishments.

Originally, I planned to cross-stitch a rose on black fabric to use as the center piece for this block.  However, I decided to use the rose for another project entirely.

The Yahoo group Crazy Quilting International has round robins.  I signed up to participate in a novice round robin that will begin next month.  In a round robin, five people sign up and we each make a block.  Each block is then embellished by the other four members of the round robin.  I need to have my block ready to mail out by July 15th.

I decided to use my rose as the center piece of the block I make for the round robin.  I began the rose a few weeks ago.  I basted waste canvas onto a sturdy black cotton and used a pattern from the Leisure Arts "A Regal Rose and a Distinctive Floral Alphabet" leaflet.  (The pattern gives you the opportunity to make the flowers in red, gold, rose, or shell pink.  I made this one using the rose colored flosses.  I listed it under my favorites from  Although, Amazon does not show a photo of the leaflet, it is listed a few times on eBay with the photo included.  I cross-stitched an afghan for my sister years ago on a Swiss linen using the red flosses.  It turned out lovely.)

Cross-stitched rose on black fabric

As anxious as I am to see how this will look without the waste canvas, I ran out of my back-stitch floss with only 2 strands left to go!  And, I simply cannot talk myself into paying for forty-minutes worth of gas to buy a thirty-five cent skein of embroidery floss.  So, I am waiting until Monday.  There is a place that sells DMC floss just a few blocks from my son's orthodontist's office.

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