
Saturday, January 9, 2016

CQJP 2016 January Block Seam 3

The third seam on my Crazy Quilt Journal Project (CQJP) 2016 was partly inspired by the need to fix an oops and then embellished with a seam inspired by Valerie Bothell's Joyful Embellishment Stitch #161.

I added the trim along the seam because I oopsed when piecing this block. When the seam was sewn together, I did not realize I was too close to the edge of the bottom fabric. When I began stitching, the fabric above the trim pulled out of the seam. So, I hand stitched the fabric down and then sewed this trim down over the full length of the seam. It secured the fabric and dressed up the seam.

No ideas that I liked sprung to mind to further enhance this seam, so I looked through several seams from the Joyful Embellishment group Valerie Bothell set up last year and really liked #161. I did change it slightly by whipping the chain-stitched arches. 

I think my version of this seam would look better if the pistil stitches were a bit longer, but this block will be for a lap quilt I plan to wash and dry, so I am trying to avoid long stitches that may catch on anything in the future.

Sharon B.'s template set #2 came in very handy for this seam. I lined it up along the seam so the arches would not quite meet, leaving space for the pistil stitches in between. One of the only complaints I heard about Sharon's first set of templates was that they could be hard to find in your work station because they are clear plastic. One solution was to place a small sticker on each template, making them easier to spot. I keep mine in a plastic bag and put them back immediately after use, so I have not had that issue. The clear plastic did make it easier to line this seam up the way I wanted it!

Threads used: black Anchor size 8 pearl cotton + red (#00047) Anchor size 8 pearl cotton.

Stitches used: whipped chain stitched = chain stitched black arches whipped with red & red pistil stiches

As some of you may remember, I was kindly sent a set of Sharon B.'s Crazy Quilt Templates Set #2 and agreed to write an honest review of anything I liked or did not like. My biggest hurdle so far has been my hesitation to mark on the front of my blocks. By following Sharon's advice to only mark where my stitches will cover the markings, I have overcome my hesitations. Using the stencils on this block has been great fun! (In fact, my hubby was asking what I might like for my birthday this year and the first set of stencils was my reply.)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Another beautiful seam Renee! This block is going to look fabulous! Christine x

  2. You won't regret having the first set of templates too. I've used mine a lot and can see lots of possibilities to combine the two sets for even more stitching ideas.

  3. You will find the first set useful also. I always mark just what I'm going to stitch, and sometimes just dots for some things, so I didn't realize there is another way to do it. I don't have the least problem with the clear templates, so I'm not sure what that complaint is about. I store them in the original bags they came in. I don't know how the second set comes, because mine hasn't arrived, but the first set had each one in a baggie and all 4 baggies stapled to a thick plasticized paper that folds like a matchbook cover over them. Bad explanation, but maybe you know what I mean, especially if the second set is the same.

    Now, the important part is your beautiful seam! I kept looking at that and thinking it didn't look like the 161 that I did, but you used a different stitch, so that's why! I really love what you did, and think it's a great solution to keep the cloth anchored nicely. I do love that beaded lace there, too.


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